Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Hallo hello
interjection Meili Meili (Chinese name)
noun (f.) !
Anna: Hello Meili!
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Hallo hello
interjection Anna Anna (name)
noun (f.) !
Meili: Hello Anna!
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Wie how / like; as (comparison)
adverb ist is
verb der the (masculine)
article Deutschkurs German course
noun (m.) ? Ist is
verb er here: it
personal pronoun gut good; well
adjective ?
Anna: How is the German course? Is it good?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Ja yes
particle , sehr very
adverb gut good; well
adjective . Hier here
adverb , das the (neuter); that
article sind are
verb die the (feminine) / plural
article Schüler pupils; school students
noun (m.) im in the
preposition Deutschkurs German course
noun (m.) .
Meili: Yes, very good. Here, these are the students in the German course.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Das the (neuter); that
article Foto photo
noun (n.) ist is
verb schön pretty; beautiful; handsome
adjective . Woher from where
adverb kommen to come; appear
verb sie she; they
personal pronoun ?
Anna: The photo is beautiful. Where do they come from?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Das the (neuter); that
article ist is
verb Mike Mike (name)
noun (m.) . Er he
personal pronoun spricht speaks
verb Englisch English
noun (n.) und and
conjunction Deutsch German
noun (n.) . Er he
personal pronoun kommt comes
verb aus out; out of; from
preposition New York New York (city)
noun .
Meili: This is Mike. He speaks English and German. He comes from New York.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Die the (feminine) / plural
article USA USA
noun (plural) ! So so; such; in this manner
adverb schön pretty; beautiful; handsome
adjective !
Anna: The USA! So beautiful!
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Ja yes
particle ! … Und and
conjunction das the (neuter); that
article ist is
verb Miguel Miguel (name)
noun (m.) aus out; out of; from
preposition Mexiko Mexico
noun . Er he
personal pronoun spricht speaks
verb Spanisch Spanish
noun (n.) .
Meili: Yes! … And this is Miguel from Mexico. He speaks Spanish.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Und and
conjunction der that guy
article ? Ist is
verb er he
personal pronoun auch also, too, as well
adverb Mexikaner Mexican man
noun (m.) ?
Anna: And this guy? Is he also a Mexican?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Nein no
particle , er he
personal pronoun ist is
verb Türke Turk; Turkish man
noun (m.) . Das the (neuter); that
article ist is
verb Cem Cem (name)
noun (m.) . Er he
personal pronoun spricht speaks
verb Türkisch Turkish (language, subject)
noun (n.) und and
conjunction Englisch English
noun (n.) .
Meili: No, he is a Turk. This is Cem. He speaks Turkish and English.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Die the (feminine) / plural
article Türkei Turkey (country)
noun (f.) ist is
verb auch also, too, as well
adverb so so; such; in this manner
adverb schön pretty; beautiful; handsome
adjective ! Warst were
verb du you
personal pronoun schon already; yet
adverb mal once; time(s) (as in: one time, two times) / ‘real quick‘
adverb da there / that’s when (OR: here)
preposition ?
Anna: Turkey is so beautiful, too! Have you ever been there?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Nein no
particle , ich I
personal pronoun war was
verb noch still; yet; else
adverb nicht not
particle da there / that’s when (OR: here)
preposition .
Meili: No, I haven’t been there yet.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Und and
conjunction wer who; whoever
adverb ist is
verb das the (neuter); that
article ?
Anna: And who is that?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Er he
personal pronoun heißt is called
verb Tino Tino (name)
noun (m.) . Er he
personal pronoun kann can
verb Finnisch Finnish (language, subject)
noun (n.) und and
conjunction Türkisch Turkish (language, subject)
noun (n.) .
Meili: His name is Tino. He knows Finnish and Turkish.
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Ist is
verb er he
personal pronoun Finne Finn; Finnish man
noun (m.) oder or
conjunction Türke Turk; Turkish man
noun (m.) ?
Anna: Is he a Finn or a Turk?
Meili:Meili (name)
noun (f.)
Er he
personal pronoun kommt comes
verb aus out; out of; from
preposition Finnland Finland
noun . … Anna Anna (name)
noun (f.) , hast have
verb du you
personal pronoun eigentlich actual(ly); anyways; by the way
particle die the (feminine) / plural
article Nummer number
noun (f.) von from; of; by
preposition Paul Paul (name)
noun (m.) ?
Meili: He comes from Finland. … Anna, by the way, do you have Paul‘s number?
Anna:Anna (name)
noun (f.)
Warum why
adverb ?
Anna: Why?
New words
Cem (name)
there; that’s when
der Deutschkurs
the German course
der Finne
the Finn (man)
Finnish (language)
der Kurs
the course; class
once; time(s)
der Mexikaner
the Mexican (man)
Miguel (name)
Mike (name)
already; yet
school students
er, sie, es spricht
he, she, it speaks
Tino (name)
der Türke
the Turk (man)
die Türkei
Turkey (country)
die USA
the USA
du warst
you were
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In lesson 4 we learned that we can sometimes drop the main verb. We often see this with languages:
Meili: … Er kann Finnisch und Türkisch.
… He can (speak) Finnish and Turkish.
Last lesson, Anna said she is a „Studentin“ (student). But now Meili says the students in her German course are „Schüler“. That’s because Anna is enrolled in an academic course of study. „Schüler“ are ordinary students, or pupils in any non academic course.
Mal and Zeit can both mean „time“. Mal refers to the number of times (once, twice, …):
Warst du schon mal da?
Have you ‚already been there once‘? (meaning: Have you ever been there?)
Zeit refers to time in general:
Hast du Zeit?
Do you have time?
1 Comprehension quiz
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5 Responses
Hi! I remember that in one of the episodes they used an expression to say that something can be done easily, quickly or with no problem. For example: Ich kann *schnell* fragen. But I can’t seem to remember the word we needed to use that and I can’t find the episode either. Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.
The word you are looking for is “einfach”. “Du kannst einfach fragen.” means “You can simply ask.”
Hi Luis!
It is the model particle “mal”, explained in lesson 17:
Hope that helps!
Kind regards
Can I say “Hier, diese sind die Schüler im Deutschkurs” instead of “Hier, das sind die Schüler im Deutschkurs”?
“Diese” seems to be a more natural translation for “these”. Is there any difference? Also, how to differentiate “these” and “those” in German?
Hi! Thanks for this question. The demonstrative pronouns dieser, dieses and diese are introduced in lesson 33. And I found out that their usage wasn’t explained so I added a few lines in the ‘hints’ section there.
These words go in front of a noun. You can say “diese Schüler sind hier” (these students are here). If you just said “diese sind hier” (these ___ are here) then you must have mentioned the word “Schüler” in the context before. Otherwise it’s wrong. So you can’t replace das with diese here.
2nd question: That would be diese und jene, but it’s a bit advanced for now.