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Paul:Paul (name)
noun (m.)
Ich I
personal pronoun lasse let; leave; refrain from
verb mein my
pronoun Fahrrad bicycle
noun (n.) dort there; over there
adverb hinten at the back; back there
adverb bei at; near; with
preposition Fritz' Fritz's
noun (m.) Garage garage
noun (f.) . Ist is
verb was what / something (coll.)
adverb im in the
preposition Briefkasten letter box
noun (m.) ? Nur only; just; merely
adverb ein a / one
article / numeral Brief letter (in your postbox)
noun (m.) von from; of; by
preposition Fritz' Fritz's
noun (m.) Vermieter landlord
noun (m.) . Leider unfortunately; regrettably
adverb . Was what / something (coll.)
adverb liegt lies (e.g. in bed)
verb denn because / after all / „on earth“ as in „where on earth“
adverb hier here
adverb im in the
preposition Busch bush
noun (m.) ?
Paul: I leave my bicycle back there at Fritz‘s garage. Is there anything in the letter box? Just a letter from Fritz‘s landlord. Unfortunately. What’s lying in the bush here?
Ist is
verb das the (neuter); that
article für for
preposition ein a / one
article / numeral Auto car
noun (n.) ? Moment moment
noun (m.) mal once; time(s) (as in: one time, two times) / ‘real quick‘
adverb ! Ich I
personal pronoun kenne am familiar/acquainted with; know
verb das the (neuter); that
article ! Das the (neuter); that
article ist is
verb Fritz' Fritz's
noun (m.) Garagenöffner garage (door) opener
noun (m.) .
Is this for a car? Wait a moment! I know this! This is Fritz‘s garage (door) opener.
New words
Airbnb (vacation rental)
Try lesson 1:
Greet someone, speak formally
Personal pronouns: Sie, ich, er
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