54: Ich schreibe dem Vermieter | I write the landlord

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Address related words for sending letters & the dative case (dem, der, dem).

Paul is near his apartment and opens Fritz’s letter. It’s two weeks old and it has the cell phone number of Fritz’s landlord. Paul wants to call him and have the garage door repaired in Fritz’s name.

53: Paul fährt zu Fritz’ Wohnung | Paul drives to Fritz’s apartment

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Use cool words like a teenager & temporal prepositions: im, am, um.

Paul is at Fritz’s apartment. He finds a letter from his landlord and a garage door opener with a broken sticker. He recognizes that it belongs to Fritz. The opener works, but the garage door won’t open. The door may be broken.

52: Hast du dich verletzt? | Did you hurt yourself?

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Tell a story, talk about an accident & perfect tense with separable and reflexive verbs.

Anna has to empty her basement by herself. Her landlord puts pressure on her, but doesn’t help. She drops a box because her shoulder hurts again. That’s when Paul arrives. She reluctantly accepts his help.

51: Das Lager ist nicht schlecht gewesen | The camp hasn’t been bad

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Describe your situation in the past & perfect tense: wir sind gewesen / gelandet.

Paul is still with Grandpa while Meili is sending a link from Fritz’s Facebook page. Fritz was promoted because he caught the Großkauf thieves. That must be the reason why he is now the new head of the theft department.

50: 1941 war Opa ein Pilot | In 1941 Grandpa was a pilot

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Talk about former times and history & perfect tense: er hat gesehen / vergessen.

Paul visits Grandpa. And he asks his friends in the group chat about Fritz. But he kept everything as a secret. So they don’t know anything. And they are still angry at Paul. It seems it’s Fritz who has the book.

49: Hat er das nicht gesagt? | Hasn’t he said that?

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Ask for information about people, talk about smartphones & perfect tense: er hat erzählt / gesagt.

Paul wants to visit Fritz at the police station and report the theft, but he is not there. He is the new head of the theft department and is currently on vacation. It seems Fritz was hiding this.

48: Freut ihr euch jetzt? | Are you happy now?

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Facilities and locations in the city & reflexive pronouns and reflexive verbs.

Paul is sad and on his way to the police station to file a report. His parents call him. They stress him again. Paul counters: They don’t help, and they didn’t even try to warn him of his mistake which cost Paul his job.

47: Nehmen Sie das mit! | Take that with you!

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Restructure the workforce & separable verbs & sentence structure.

Paul is getting fired. He wasn’t aware that he didn’t report his illness to his boss. Instead, he accidentally sent the message to his dad – who didn’t warn him of his mistake. So he was absent without notice. He clears his desk and calls Grandpa.

46: Ich brauch’ Obst, Gemüse und Fleisch | I need fruit, vegetables, and meat

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Grocery shopping, measurements, weight & sentence structure, subordinate clause.

Paul is sick. He’s doing his grocery shopping in the supermarket. After that, he wants to go home, take sleeping pills, and write a message to his boss about his sick leave. Things are not going well at work at the moment. He should play less detective.

45: Haben Sie Fieber? | Do you have a fever?

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Name body parts, describe your illness to the doctor & personal pronouns in the accusative: mich / dich / ihn / uns / euch & introduction to the n-declension.

Paul is at the doctor’s because he got sick. The caretaker replies to his message: There are no cameras on the outside of Paul’s apartment building.

44: Warum habe ich diese Idee erst jetzt? | Why do I only have this idea now?

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Describe how things played out, and reasons for it & adjective declensions in the accusative: den großen Busch / einen großen Busch / großen Busch.

Paul celebrates his birthday alone at home. He has no more friends. Now Fritz is mad at him, too, because he told Anna that he knows about her criminal record.

43: Du wolltest mein Buch verkaufen! | You wanted to sell my book!

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German dinner foods, bring up and disarm arguments & adjective declensions: eine internationale Stadt / ein grüner Tee / ein leckeres Bier / schöne Ecken.

Scandal at the dinner buffet! Paul confronts Anna. He followed her and thinks he saw her trying to sell his book. And she was seen on the surveillance video.

42: Ich muss etwas machen! | I have to do something!

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Evaluate options, negotiate, make a decision & adjective declensions: das wertvolle Buch / der alte Verkäufer / die kleine Frau.

Paul is just about to walk into the bookstore and confront Anna there. But then he sees that the shopkeeper can’t help her and she walks out. He gets a phone call from his parents.

41: Warum geht sie in den Buchladen? | Why is she going into the bookstore?

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Express astonishment and disbelief, describe people’s actions & accusative with prepositions.

Paul is following Anna. He thinks what’s covered by a carrier bag inside her handbag is his book. He watches her walk into a bookstore. She takes the book out and negotiates with the shopkeeper. Paul gets angry and wants to run inside.

40: Ich kann den Reichstag sehen | I can see the Reichstag

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Talk about points of interest, locations, means of transport & the accusative case (den, einen, keinen).

In Berlin, Anna, Fritz and Paul want to go to the Brandenburg Gate. Fritz warns them about pickpockets because Anna’s handbag won’t close. Something square, wrapped in a carrier bag is sticking out. Fritz’s mobile phone rings again.

39: Was wollt ihr in Berlin sehen? | What do you want to see in Berlin?

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Talk about a trip, directions using a map & simple past forms for modal & mixed verbs.

Anna arrives on the train at the last second. She couldn’t answer her phone because the battery is dead. Also, her bicycle is broken. That’s why she is late. The train departs and they talk about sights in Berlin. Fritz gets a phone call and talks like he is in love. Paul catches Anna lying: her phone battery is not empty. But Anna ignores Paul’

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