Exercise 4 for Lesson 5

learn to ride with training wheels

Remember: At the moment you’re still riding with training wheels. That means, in our writing exercises it is currently no problem if you forget a punctuation mark (,.!?) or disregard upper and lower case. But that will change soon! In the future, all nouns and sentence beginnings must be written in upper case and the rest in lower case.

  4   Read & find
Below you find the sentences from the text in exercise 2. Take another look, find all nouns in them, and write them down.
If you can’t write äöü, and ß then replace them with aeoeue, and ssWrite the nouns in the order in which they appear in the text.

Paul sagt: „Ich gehe zur Arbeit.“ Er ist in München.
NOUNS:   Paul          

Sie sagt: „Ich will hier studieren. Ich heiße Meili.“ Sie kommt aus China.
NOUNS:        China

Er sagt: „Ich bin Paul.“ Meili wohnt und arbeitet in Frankfurt. Das sagt sie Paul.

Was will sie von Paul? Das weiß er nicht.

Sie sagt: „Können Sie mir helfen? Ich suche ein Büro.“

„Und wie heißt es?“ „Ich weiß es nicht.“ Paul kann Meili helfen.

Das Büro ist Nummer zwölf. Anna sagt: „Was kann ich für Sie tun?“ Meili möchte hier studieren.

Paul sagt: „Oh nein! Ich muss zur Arbeit!“ Eine Monatskarte kostet viel.

„Ich habe nicht genug Geld für die Fahrkarte. Mist!“

Take a look at the nouns in the text again and observe the rules:

German nouns have a capital  . They come with three different definite articles: , , and . People’s names (Paul), uncountables (Geld), cities (Frankfurt) and countries (Deutschland) mostly have article when they’re in a sentence.


4 Responses

  1. Last exercise I found it really confusing because I am trying to guess which words to place to understand the rule.

    I think it will be nicer to have the explication of the rule as in previous exercises rather than trying to guess the rule 🙂 or perhaps if you got it wrong to be able to see the correct responses

    I tried 4 times and will leave the lesson without understanding the rule.

    Take a look at the nouns in the text again and observe the rules:German nouns have a capital fi _ Wrong le _ Wrong…

    1. Hi Argelia!
      I’m very grateful for your feedback. I checked the exercise again and improved it. Even though I personally test these exercises with students before I put them here, some mistakes can still slip through the radar when making the digital version. If you try it again now you’ll find it explains everything and hopefully leaves no confusion.
      These kind of feedbacks really help the community here, so thank you again. Other students were probably confused with this exercise, too.

  2. The instructions don’t specify that one needs to list the nouns in the same order as they appear in the sentences, otherwise it will be considered as a mistake. I don’t think it would hurt to mention this.

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