38 | Wann fährt der Zug nach Berlin?

Train station announcements
Plural: nouns that get an -er/-¨er ending, simple past forms for irregular & auxiliary verbs
37 | Der Fehler war / die Fehler waren blöd

Text: email, simple past in writing
Plural: nouns that change an a/o/u to an ä/ö/ü – but don’t get a new ending, regular simple past verbs
36 | Ein Ausflug nach Berlin?

Discuss travel plans and options
Plural: nouns that get an -s ending
35 | Die Preise sind gut!

Read and understand online reviews
Plural: nouns that get an -e/-¨e ending
34 | Der Vorname hat 4 Buchstaben

Give and receive information about somebody
Plural: nouns that get an -en/-n ending
33 | Januar, Februar, März, …

Demonstrative pronouns: dieser, dieses, diese
32 | Das Video

Talk about law and permissions, describe people’s actions
Noun-noun composites: Hausflur / Hausmeister / Wohnungseingang
31 | Meine Hobbys sind …

Talk about hobbies, make small talk, four seasons
Possessive pronouns: unser(e), euer/eure
30 | Ich bin doch kein Stalker!

Justify actions, reflect on a situation, read the 24-hour clock
Possessive pronouns: dein(e), sein(e), ihr(e)
29 | Mein Fahrrad ist kaputt

Make appointments, read the analog clock (tell the time)
Possessive pronouns: mein(e), Ihr(e)
28 | Du musst es finden!

Order somebody to do something, express disappointment
Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 4, gender summary
27 | Wo ist es?

Describe a problem, express compassion
Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 3
26 | Paul braucht Hilfe

Give advice, discuss weekend plans, ask for help
Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 2
25 | Es ist nicht mehr da!

Times of the day, despair and anger
Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings & modal verb dürfen and modal verb summary
24 | Die Party

Describe and evaluate situations and objects, congratulate
Gender of nouns: words with endings -ei / -schaft
23 | Pauls Wohnung

Rooms of an apartment
Gender of nouns: words with endings -ung / -heit / -keit
22 | Grün, lang und aus Metall

Colors, materials, and shapes
Gender of nouns: words with endings -t and -e
21 | Wie bitte?

Describe objects, furniture, ask for repetition
Gender of nouns: words with endings -chen and -lein
20 | Paul will Möbel kaufen

Furniture, directions, days of the week
Gender of nouns: words with endings -er and -ling
19 | Danke für die Einladung

Informal salutations and complimentary closes in emails
Sentence structure with “tecamolo”, comparison, contrast