32 | Das Video

describe people’s actions

Talk about law and permissions, describe people’s actions

Noun-noun composites: Hausflur / Hausmeister / Wohnungseingang

28 | Du musst es finden!

gender of nouns summary

Order somebody to do something, express disappointment

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 4, gender summary

27 | Wo ist es?

nouns gender weather words

Describe a problem, express compassion

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 3

26 | Paul braucht Hilfe

advice discuss weekend plans

Give advice, discuss weekend plans, ask for help

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 2

25 | Es ist nicht mehr da!

times of the day

Times of the day, despair and anger

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings & modal verb dürfen and modal verb summary

24 | Die Party

congratulate describe situations objects

Describe and evaluate situations and objects, congratulate

Gender of nouns: words with endings -ei / -schaft

23 | Pauls Wohnung

rooms of an apartment

Rooms of an apartment

Gender of nouns: words with endings -ung / -heit / -keit

21 | Wie bitte?

gender of nouns

Describe objects, furniture, ask for repetition

Gender of nouns: words with endings -chen and -lein

19 | Danke für die Einladung

German sentence structure tecamolo

Informal salutations and complimentary closes in emails

Sentence structure with “tecamolo”, comparison, contrast

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