42 | Ich muss etwas machen!

learn German adjective declensions

Evaluate options, negotiate, make a decision

Adjective declensions: das wertvolle Buch / der alte Verkäufer

– beta release –

32 | Das Video

describe people’s actions

Talk about law and permissions, describe people’s actions

Noun-noun composites: Hausflur / Hausmeister / Wohnungseingang

– beta release –

31 | Meine Hobbys sind …

talk about hobbies, make small talk, four seasons, possessive pronouns: unser, unsere, euer / eure

Talk about hobbies, make small talk, four seasons

Possessive pronouns: unser(e), euer/eure

– beta release –

30 | Ich bin doch kein Stalker!

possessive pronouns 24-hour clock

Justify actions, reflect on a situation, read the 24-hour clock

Possessive pronouns: dein(e), sein(e), ihr(e)

– beta release –

29 | Mein Fahrrad ist kaputt

analog clock make appointments

Make appointments, read the analog clock (tell the time)

Possessive pronouns: mein(e), Ihr(e)

– beta release –

28 | Du musst es finden!

gender of nouns summary

Order somebody to do something, express disappointment

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 4, gender summary

– beta release –

27 | Wo ist es?

nouns gender weather words

Describe a problem, express compassion

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 3

– beta release –

26 | Paul braucht Hilfe

advice discuss weekend plans

Give advice, discuss weekend plans, ask for help

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 2

– beta release –

25 | Es ist nicht mehr da!

times of the day

Times of the day, despair and anger

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings & modal verb dürfen and modal verb summary

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