106: Rotkäppchen von den Brüdern Grimm 🐺 (Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten)

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Deutsch lernen mit einem klassischen Märchen von den Brüdern Grimm. Heute wird gefressen, verstümmelt, gelogen und ertrunken! Ich lese dir den vereinfachten Text (diesmal mit Toneffekten) vor, wir machen eine Wiederholungslektion der wichtigsten Wörter und Phrasen und ich erkläre dir jedes kleinste Detail. PDF und Wörterliste verfügbar.

77: Ich fahre zu unserem Freund | I’m taking a ride to our friend

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Briefly describe a place, tourism vocabulary & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: unserem/-r/-n, eurem/-r/-n.

All of a sudden Paul doesn’t want to waste any more time. He quickly looks up information about the German island of Sylt, then rushes to get the train to there. Apparently, this is his understanding of „taking action“.

76: Pauls Schlüssel | Paul’s key

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Demand something, complain, and apologize & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: ihrem/-r/-n, Ihrem/-r/-n.

While waiting for the movie to start and looking on the internet for the best surf spots, Tim suddenly wants to see Paul’s key ring. Fritz’s garage door opener is attached to it.

75: Um was geht es eigentlich im Film? | What is the film actually about?

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Understand a movie description & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: seinem/-r/-n, ihrem/-r/-n.

Meili, Anna, Tim and Paul are waiting in the cinema for the film to start and they’re reading the movie description. Paul tells them that he is getting more and more online jobs now.

101: Das Fenstertheater von Ilse Aichinger (Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten)

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Deutsch lernen mit einer klassischen Kurzgeschichte von Ilse Aichinger.
In dieser Folge möchte ich dir helfen, eine Kurzgeschichte zu verstehen und zu genießen. Ich lese dir den Originaltext dieser Gesellschaftskritik vor, erkläre ihn und fasse das Geschehen zusammen. Entspann dich, hör aufmerksam zu und versuche, diese klassische Geschichte zu genießen. PDF verfügbar.

74: Pauls Blog wird im Internet bekannt | Paul’s blog becomes well-known on the Internet

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Complain about pain, congratulate, and spur someone on & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: meinem/-r/-n, deinem/-r/-n.

During a break while playing paintball, Meili, Anna, Tim, and Paul chat. Paul excitedly shares his first freelance gig. The blog about Fritz has gained traction, with fans speculating wildly about his alleged connections to the underworld.

72: Das Bild | The painting

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Explain hardships of the past & personal pronouns in the dative: euch, ihnen / Ihnen.

Paul boosts Grandpa’s spirits with coffee and updates him on his search for the book. But because he gets many rejections for his job applications, he feels hopeless. Grandpa empathizes with him and suggests that he should start writing.

71: Mann, was machst du denn? | Man, what are you doing?

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Talk about the weather, hobbies and technology & personal pronouns in the dative: ihr, uns.

Paul and Grandpa play chess together. Tim hears from a friend that Fritz is probably kitesurfing because his BMW can’t carry a large windsurfing board. Tim wants to share a video of the best kitesurfing spots with Paul.

70: Sie geben dir keine Arbeit | They don’t give you a job

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Vocab for games, application documents & personal pronouns in the dative: mir, dir, ihm.

Paul is bowling with his parents and talks about his career plans. His lie that he knew what job he wanted all along goes undetected. Tim writes that he doesn’t have any news about Fritz either.

69: Paul will Autor werden | Paul wants to become an author

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Make a decision based on simple job descriptions & sum-up: all dative and accusative prepositions and their contractions.

Paul discovers for himself that he wants to be an author. So today he plans to write 20 applications and tell his mother about it. But the chances to become an author are slim.

68: Horror-Crash auf Oktoberfest! | Horror crash at Oktoberfest!

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Understand an article in a tabloid newspaper & fusion of prepositions and articles: am, beim, im, vom, zum, zur, ins.

Paul checks the Whatsapp group to learn about Fritz. He thinks Meili might find something on Fritz’ Facebook. He reads on a news app about an accident at the Oktoberfest.

67: Welchen Job will er machen? | What job does he want to do?

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Career planning, interest-based words & question word: welch-.

Paul thinks about which job he wants and finds help in the job book he got from Anna. It was her present for Pauls birthday which she had angrily slammed on the table at the buffet in Berlin. He wants to do “something with writing, texts and words”. He starts enthusiastically, but quickly gives up because he thinks you can’t make any money with that. Then he writes Laura. She briefly answers that she won’t have time for him in the near future. Paul wants to wait until she writes again. Is Paul too aimless? Or why does Laura have no more time for him?

66: Der Freund, den Paul sucht | The friend that Paul is looking for

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Talk about social problem areas and career choices, tip the waitress & subordinate clause with accusative (der Mann, den ich sehe).

Paul is out with Laura when she tells him that Fritz always dreamed of owning a holiday home by the beach, maybe on the North Sea or Baltic Sea. Laura asks about Paul’s job.

65: Opa hat ihn nie wieder gesehen… | Grandpa never saw him again…

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Compare things, talk about the past & comparative and superlative.

Paul sets up the date with Laura. Grandpa is still going on about former times. He starts talking about books that were banned in the GDR, former East Germany. That’s when he remembers THE book. Paul lies again: he says the book is at home.

64: Opa wollte weg aus der DDR | Grandpa wanted to leave the GDR

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Explain economics and politics in very simple words & temporal prepositions: ab; von … bis; zwischen.

Everyone thinks that the sticker on Fritz’s garage door opener is in the shape of a lake. Therefore, Paul looks for it on the internet. But he cannot find such a lake in all of Germany.

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