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Paul Paul (name)
noun (m.) steht stands
verb vor in front of (place) / before; ago (time)
preposition Opas grandpa’s / grandpas (plural)
noun (m.) Haus house
noun (n.) und and
conjunction will want
verb nicht not
particle in in; into
preposition die the (feminine) / plural
article Wohnung apartment
noun (f.) gehen to go; walk
verb . Er he
personal pronoun surft surfs (loanword)
verb im in the
preposition Internet internet
noun (n.) und and
conjunction sucht search(es); look(s) for
verb das the (neuter); that
article Symbol symbol
noun (n.) vom from the; of the
preposition Aufkleber sticker(s)
noun (m.) auf on; onto / open
preposition Fritz' Fritz's
noun Garagenöffner garage opener
noun (m.) . Tim Tim (name)
noun (m.) hat has
verb gestern yesterday
adverb gesagt said
participle , es it
personal pronoun ist is
verb vielleicht maybe
adverb ein a
article See lake
noun (m.) . Also so; therefore; well...
particle sucht search(es); look(s) for
verb er he
personal pronoun Seen lakes
noun (m.) im in the
preposition Internet internet
noun (n.) .
Paul is standing in front of Grandpa‘s house and doesn‘t want to go into the apartment. He's surfing on the Internet and looking for the symbol on the sticker on Fritz’s garage door opener. Tim has said yesterday it might be a lake. Therefore he’s looking for lakes on the Internet.
New words
from; off
der / die Arbeiter
the worker(s)
das Ausland
the foreign country
Try lesson 1:
Greet someone, speak formally
Personal pronouns: Sie, ich, er
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