Questions & Contact

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Even better. We have an app that runs on almost any device. No app store needed. Install it here in seconds!

Of course. You may have been logged out. Just log back in.

If you did, and it still says you’re logged out, please clear your browser cache. Why? Because your browser “thinks” it already knows what’s on the page. So it keeps showing you the version for logged-out users, even though our code tells it not to “think”.

Tried logging in too many times and got temporarily blocked for safety reasons? Please wait several hours before trying again.

Forgot your password? Click on “Lost password?” and make sure to enter the same email address to which we sent your signup confirmation email.

You can see the levels we offer if you click on ‘Ability level’ here. Please mind that our material is more extensive than comparable resources. So you might learn and improve with it even though you’re officially at a higher level already.

By the way, this is what these language levels stand for:
A1 Beginner
A2 Pre‑intermediate
B1 Intermediate
B2 Upper‑intermediate
C1 Advanced
C2 Proficiency

1) Please delete the cache on your browser or use another browser.
2) If that doesn’t work, try updating your device(s) and your browser(s).
3) If you’re still having trouble, consider using another device.

If none of these quick fixes help, please contact us below.

The link leads you to the available times and prices.

Sure. You can buy us a cup of coffee here. Thank you!

Of course. Just click here and select “Regular updates”.

Our interactive exercises and additional materials give you all the tools you need for vocabulary building, grammar practice, reading comprehension, and improving your speaking and listening skills. These are the areas that are tested by language exams such as DSH, TestDaF and Goethe. And on top of that, our material is more extensive than comparable resources, so you are well prepared.

We’re currently working hard to finish all episodes and lessons for this level. We have plans to cover all existing levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2) in the future.

We can’t predict exact release dates but we’ll inform you as soon as new material is published if you sign up to one of these channels:

Email newsletter




The prices might change due to inflation. That’s why checking the original source for the prices is recommended:

Prices for German Stories membership

Schedule and prices for private classes

We only have the prices, currencies and payment providers that are displayed there.

Your payments are safe, handled by industry-leading payment providers like Stripe. Even we can’t access your confidential payment information.

You can cancel anytime through the Profile menu on our site, not via email. We don’t cancel it on your behalf.

If the above FAQ does not answer your question, please contact us below for further assistance and provide a detailed explanation of your request.