Exercise 4 for Lesson 7

More grammar

When you make a statement or observation, the sentence has this basic structure:

1)  the subject
(who/what is doing something?)


2)  the verb
(what are they doing?)


3)  the rest of the sentence
(when, where, what, etc.)





And just like in English,

  • the sentence ends with a period,
  • the first word is capitalized,
  • the voice is lowered towards the end,
  • and the verb comes after the subject.

Remember, this structure is used for statements and observations only – not for questions.

  4   Put the pieces in the correct order

Move the orange boxes with the words in the right order. 📱↷ Turn your mobile phone for a better view of the whole sentence.

  • .
  • wohnt
  • Paul
  • in München
  • wohnt
  • in München
  • .
  • Die Frau aus China
  • .
  • kommt
  • aus Russland
  • Igor
  • bei Großkauf
  • Zwei Diebe
  • .
  • stehlen
  • Er
  • zur Arbeit
  • .
  • muss
  • Ich
  • .
  • nicht genug Geld
  • habe
  • hier
  • Meili
  • .
  • studiert
  • Er
  • weiß
  • es nicht
  • .
  • .
  • eine Freundin von Paul
  • Anna
  • ist
  • Frau Maywald
  • .
  • arbeitet
  • hier nicht


 💬  Read, listen and repeat

German also has a „schwa-sound“. It sounds just like the a in the English word about. You can hear it as the subtle e in these German words: komme, heiße, Diebe, and Adamstraße.

Other words sound different because the e is not subtle. You can hear it in: er, Entschuldigung, es, Geld

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4 Responses

  1. Hello,
    I am just trying to clear up something as I continue to get familiar with sentence structure. For the sentence ‘Frau Maywald arbeitet heir nicht,’ the ‘nicht’ goes at the end of the sentence. However, in the next example , ‘Ich habe nicht genug geld,’ the ‘nicht is not at the end of the sentence. How do I know where to place the ‘nicht’ correctly?
    By the way, absolutely loving these lessons and podcasts. I am getting so much out of it and really feel like I am making progress.


    1. Hi Lilly,

      nicht goes before the specific word of short phrase that is being negated (“Ich habe nicht genug Geld.”). If there is no specific part of the sentence that is being negated, nicht goes to the end (“Frau Maywald arbeitet hier nicht.”).

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