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W-questions & verb conjugations singular: (du) kommst, wohnst, arbeitest
W-questions & verb conjugations singular: (du) kommst, wohnst, arbeitest
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Beware of false friends!
Mist has nothing to do with low visibility or water that is in the air. It literally means dung (from cows, etc.). Unlike real dung, this word is child-friendly.
Some words often go together:
zur + Arbeit
Ich gehe zur Arbeit.
I go to work.
8 AM-8 PM (GMT+8)
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2 Responses
Thank you for your answer.
I wonder if its the same error I made in question 2 of this page?
Hi! I don’t know what error you’ve made in question 2. But after you submitted all your answers you’ll see you answer, the correct answer, and translations and transcripts. Just check you answer with the expected outcome and find the difference.