26 | Paul braucht Hilfe

advice discuss weekend plans

Give advice, discuss weekend plans, ask for help

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings 2

25 | Es ist nicht mehr da!

times of the day

Times of the day, despair and anger

Determine the gender of nouns by their meanings & modal verb dürfen and modal verb summary

24 | Die Party

congratulate describe situations objects

Describe and evaluate situations and objects, congratulate

Gender of nouns: words with endings -ei / -schaft

23 | Pauls Wohnung

rooms of an apartment

Rooms of an apartment

Gender of nouns: words with endings -ung / -heit / -keit

21 | Wie bitte?

gender of nouns

Describe objects, furniture, ask for repetition

Gender of nouns: words with endings -chen and -lein

19 | Danke für die Einladung

German sentence structure tecamolo

Informal salutations and complimentary closes in emails

Sentence structure with “tecamolo”, comparison, contrast

18 | Kommt Laura zur Party?

irregular verbs & modal particle ‚aber‘

Greetings and farewells in a text message

Irregular verbs: geben / lesen / sehen, modal particle ‚aber‘

16 | Eine Party! Super Idee!

modal particles denn & ja

Explain a situation, give advice, make it up with somebody

Irregular verbs: sprechen / essen / treffen, modal particles ‚denn‘ & ‚ja‘

14 | Schnitzel oder Pizza?

irregular verbs

Express eating preferences, decide on different options and prices

Irregular verbs: wollen / heißen / möchten, modal particle ‚doch‘

12 | Paul sucht ein Date

sentence structures

Online profiles, understand descriptions of people

Irregular verbs: sein/haben, sentence type summary

11 | Das Buch

nein VS nicht VS kein

Give and receive advice and gifts

Articles kein/keine VS ein/eine, nein VS nicht VS kein

9 | Wo arbeitest du?

Talk about professions; German lessons: 9 | Wo arbeitest du? / Where do you work?: Paul and Anna are still sitting in the café, and they're talking about jobs. Paul was late for work the other day, and he was in trouble with his boss. Will he lose his job? Topic: talk about professions, spell names, alphabet part 3 Grammar: sentence type 3 (main clause): yes/no-question sentence / demonstrative pronouns (Fritz’ Auto? Das ist hier.)

Talk about professions, spell names, alphabet 3

Yes/no-question sentence & demonstrative pronouns

8 | Ein Familienfoto

sentence structure & verb conjugations

Talk about family, alphabet 2

W-question sentence & conjugations: (wir, ihr, sie, Sie) kommen / kommt, wohnen / wohnt, arbeiten / arbeitet

7 | Wann hast du Zeit?

Make an appointment & alphabet

Make an appointment, alphabet 1

Declarative sentence & verb conjugations singular: (er, sie, es) kommt, wohnt, arbeitet